

Ultima is a video game franchise that dates back to 1981. It began as role-playing games that were designed to be played in multi-user configurations, in addition to traditional consoles and personal computers, offering a completely unique gaming experience.

At its core, Ultima is an open-world fantasy game that draws on Norse and Celtic mythology. The main protagonist, known as the Avatar, is tasked with balancing the virtues of Honor, Humility, Justice and Courage. Developed by Origin Systems, the original Ultima trilogy defined computer role-playing and is considered one of the pioneers of the genre.

The Ultima series evolved over the years and eventually released nine “live” games and more than 20 computer-based titles. While the original versions of the games involved creating characters and engaging in a long-term RPG campaign, many of the later titles in the series adopted real-time strategy elements, such as managing towns and fortifications or civilizations.

The Ultima series also gave rise to the idea of online gaming; many of the games have a built-in chat mode or even a multiplayer interface that allows players to join together and play cooperatively. This connectivity has gone on to become an integral part of gaming in the internet age.

The series is also noted for its stunning attention to detail. Unlike some other fantasy games, the Ultima games have immersive storylines, interesting characters and puzzles that require players to think (as opposed to mindlessly shoot their way through the levels). Furthermore, the games also feature unique music and a range of creatures and monsters that must be confronted on the adventurer's journey.

Overall, the Ultima series has been a major influence in the development of role-playing and real-time strategy gaming, and remains popular among fans today due to its rich content and intricately detailed worlds. This is a series that should definitely be experienced by anyone with an affinity for fantasy gaming.

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