Revenue Generating Unit (RGU)
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An RGU can be defined as a single customer or subscriber that creates revenue for the business. By keeping track of this data, companies can measure the effects of their customer service strategies and incentives, as well as map out which products and services bring in the most money. This information can then be used to increase revenue flows, tweak ineffective customer service strategies, and create targeted plans for ongoing growth and success.
The Average Revenue per Unit (ARPU) is the other side of the RGU coin. It is a measure, or an average, of how much each customer or subscription is bringing in for the company. This can be calculated by taking the sum of all revenue generated by RGUs and then dividing it by the total number of RGUs for a given period. The result is the average amount of money each one of these customers/subscribers is generating for the business.
Though it is mainly used in the telecom, media and internet services industries, the concept of RGU and ARPU is applicable to any customer-based industry — including retail, hospitality, internet services and more. By focusing on the satisfaction and loyalty of customers, businesses can increase their bottom line and create lasting customer loyalty.
In summary, RGU and the related metric of ARPU are vital indicators of the health of an industry that serves consumers with ongoing services. Understanding customer needs, competitor strategies, and which products and services bring in the highest amount of revenue are just some of the ways that companies can use these metrics to increase their revenue flow. By optimizing customer experience, businesses can increase the number of customers, and therefore the number of RGUs, creating a positive cycle of growth for any industry.