Candlefocus Editor
The procurement process typically begins with creating and documenting the service or goods specifications. Market research will be conducted to gather appropriate supplier information and data. This helps to evaluate the most suitable suppliers to purchase from. The selection is often based on the criteria of cost, quality, delivery, reliability and other commercial considerations. A company or procurement department may decide on a single or multiple sources to purchase from and the procurement team will then issue an internal purchase order.
The procurement process continues with solicitation and evaluation of potential suppliers. This includes evaluating the existing quality of goods or services, establishing terms and conditions, and leading the negotiation process. Through this process, the buyer will ensure the goods, services and associated prices are in line with all internal specifications and current regulations. Depending on the scale of the purchase and the number of bidders, a competitive bidding process may be used.
Once the procurement has been agreed upon and a contract has been agreed and signed, the buyer must then develop a payment plan. This payment plan should include verification of the delivery, necessary payments and monitoring of the services or goods to ensure that all terms of delivery are met. The procedural process of closing and final payments will also be carried out.
Procurement can help a business to manage risk and reduce financial burden. The space includes both strategic and transactional buying scenarios, reducing complexities and striving to offer value and efficiency in the process. An effective procurement process is essential to any business and failing to use it correctly can lead to financial losses and declining customer satisfaction. Good procurement practices will help to protect against risks and ultimately improve a business’s ability to maximize financial gain.