
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, commonly known as the IBRD, is an international financial institution supported by governments around the world. It was established in 1944 as part of a major economic initiative initiated by the United States and its allies during World War II.

The primary purpose of the IBRD is to finance projects that help to reduce poverty and promote economic development in its member countries. It does this through a variety of methods, including providing loans, guarantees and grants for infrastructure, health, education and other development projects. It also plays an important role in providing technical and policy advice to countries looking to open up their markets, reduce their trade barriers, and improve financial stability.

The IBRD consists of 188 member countries that each hold a nominal stake in the bank. Countries apply to become members, and the number of shares each member holds is based on their economic size and population. All members are represented on the IBRD's Board of Directors, which approves loans and establishes policy.

The IBRD is funded by a combination of capital contributions from its members, money collected through the issuance of bonds and loans, and income earned from its investments. The IBRD also works closely with other institutions, including the International Development Association (IDA), to help countries make the most of their resources and thrive.

Over the years, the IBRD has made significant strides in helping to alleviate poverty in many parts of the world. Its projects have helped to improve health outcomes, increase access to education, promote gender equality, boost economic growth, develop infrastructure, promote the use of clean and renewable energy, expand access to financial services, and reduce deforestation.

The IBRD also focuses on promoting sustainable development in its member countries, helping to protect natural resources, combatting climate change and promoting good governance. By helping countries to become more resilient and sustainable, the IBRD can help to create a healthier and more prosperous future for all.

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