Candlefocus Editor
For example, in the political world, many leaders have struggled with hubris, because of their power and authoritative standing. Likewise in the business world, many CEOs have fallen victim to hubris, as the ambition and competitive drive that enables successes can also lead to arrogance and a lack of empathy or humility.
In excessive cases, hubris can become all-consuming, leading to the destruction of relationships and the reputation of the individual in question. The individual’s once-valued qualities can become tainted, as their inflated ego and overestimation of their own importance leads to very self-defeating and detrimental behaviours.
Given the negative outcomes of hubris, it is important to understand how to combat it. The first step is to gain self-awareness to suppress the habits and characteristics of hubris. One practical technique practitioners can use is to observe those around them and respond thoughtfully and humbly. A more proactive technique may involve the individual engaging the practice of journaling and reflecting on the successes, difficulties, and challenges in life. Doing this will allow the individual to cultivate a sense of humility, instead of hubris. Additionally, cultivating a balance between ambition and humility will help to guard against hubris as increased ambition can lead to a feeling of invincibility, which leads to the neglect of considering others.
In summary, hubris is an unhelpful, damaging attitude that is caused by one’s over-confidence and arrogance. Hubris can often be found among highly successful individuals, due to the nature of their positions, leading to the destruction of relationships and the individual’s reputation. Overcoming hubris is possible, but requires conscious effort through techniques such as self-reflection, observation of those around the individual, and cultivating a balance between ambition and humility.