Asset Coverage Ratio
Candlefocus Editor
The asset coverage ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s assets by their liabilities, which is then represented as a percentage. The higher this percentage, the greater the company’s ability to meet its financial obligations. Generally, a ratio of 1.2 or higher is considered to be healthy, however it can vary from industry to industry, and some lenders will require higher ratios to offer more favourable terms.
In order to maintain a healthy asset coverage ratio, businesses must monitor their debt levels closely and manage them responsibly. This involves constantly evaluating opportunities to refinance debt to more cost-effective terms, and using profits to pay down any liabilities and increase debt capacity. Businesses must also ensure they continue to generate profits while paying down debt and managing expenses correctly.
The asset coverage ratio is one of the most important metrics for assessing a company’s financial health and overall risk profile. It is disputed that having a healthy asset coverage ratio can provide a company with better terms from creditors, as lenders view companies with higher asset coverage ratios as lower-risk investments. As such, it is important for businesses to manage their debt levels responsibly and monitor their asset coverage ratio on an ongoing basis.